Sunday 27 June 2010

Yo yo

I seem to be a bit up and down weight wise. I am so close to goal but my eating and sticking to my points is pretty sporadic.
I lost a lb again this week.
Date: 25th June
Weight: 8st 12lbs
Loss/Gain: -1lb
BMI: 23.3

Friday 18 June 2010

Weight catch up

I didn't post last week on my weight gain so I thought I better be honest about it and update it along with this week's progress.

Date: 11th June
Weight: 8st 13.5lbs
Loss/Gain: +1.5 lbs
BMI: 23.3

We had been to Legoland at the beginning of the week and although I walked miles I did not track any of my food for 2 days and then gorged on Pick n Mix sweets so it was kind of expected. But it has made me realise how easy it is going to be to put the weight back on when I stop the diet. I am going to continue with the Weight Watchers though as they have something called Maintain whereby you still track what you eat but you have another 6 points a day. I am hoping that all the running I do will keep the weight at a manageable level. I do not want to go above 9 stone once I am in maintain mode and would ideally like to stay at 8 st 10lbs - but saying that I have to get there first!

And so onto this week:
Date: 18th June
Weight: 8st 13lbs
Loss/Gain: -0.5 lbs
BMI: 23.3

I had a sneaky weigh in during the week and was horrified to see the scales tipping up to over 9 st 2 lbs. I like to have these sneaky weigh ins as they make me try extra hard if the weight reading is too high for my liking. So I have been really good and managed to end up losing 1/2lb but I am still one lb heavier than I was a couple of weeks ago.
I haven't managed to run much this week - I like to go every other day and only ran on Saturday and Sunday and then not again until Thursday but I did 4 miles each time so I am happy with that. It is my first race on Sunday - the Race for Life - and I am a little nervous. Not at the distance as I know I can do that ok but I don't really know what to expect and I really want to complete it in under 30 minutes.
The running is really paying off as although my weight loss has slowed down I must be changing shape quite a bit as even my size 10 clothes are now getting a little loose. The work trousers I wore yesterday were really baggy. As much as I would love to be a size 8 (oh my god I never thought I would get to that size - more like add a 1 in front of it) I will be a little annoyed as I have bought lots of new clothes all in a size 10 and if they end up too big, I will have wasted quite alot of money! But hey it would be the best feeling to say "Oh yes I am a size 8" or asking a shop assistant if they have this but in a size 8. Ha ha!!!!
I hope to get back down to 8st 12lbs next week or maybe even less!
Also I would just like to thank all those lovely kind generous people who have sponsored me. I am so pleased with the money I have raised!!! So thanks everyone xxxx

Saturday 5 June 2010

Some piccies

Well I seem to have travelled so far on this weight loss journey and I can just go into a shop and pick up size 10 clothes and not worry about trying them on as I know they will fit - mind you, the downside to this is that I can't seem to stop shopping at the moment. Whilst the sun was shining I got James to take a couple of photos of me.

Friday 4 June 2010

Still losing

Well today's weigh in sees another lb off taking me down to 8st 12lbs. I have lost 1 st 6 lbs now and have decided to definitely set my goal weight at 8 1/2 st, so only another 5lbs to go.
Date: 4th June
Weight: 8st 12lbs
Loss/Gain: -1lb
BMI: 23.3

Must try and get another before and after photo. I am getting lots of comments about how well I have done and how good I am looking - makes it all worthwhile!

Right the sun is shining and I am going to spend the day enjoying it!

Friday 28 May 2010

I never thought I would see this...

Imagine my surprise this morning when I got on the scales for my weekly weigh in and when I look down I see this fantastic weight.
I cannot remember the last time my weight was ever in the 8 stone bracket. I was probably in my teens. I have lost 6 lbs in the last two weeks - not really sure how as I have missed a couple of runs due to feeling rough from this cold, but whatever it is, I love it!!! I have now lost 1 stone and 5 lbs since the end of February.
Date: 28th May 2010
Weight: 8st 13lbs - Yay!!!!!!
Loss/Gain: -2.25 lbs
BMI: 23.3

Saturday 22 May 2010

Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!

Finally a weigh in that had me whooping from the bathroom. This week I have lost 3.75lbs. I have had a horrible cold all week and have really struggled with the exercise but a fabulous weigh in result. I am so, so, very pleased with myself!!!!
Date: 21st May
Weight: 9st 1.25 lbs
Loss/Gain: -3.75lbs
BMI: 23.99
Classed as: Well within the healthy bracket.

Only another 5.25lbs to get to goal!!!

Saturday 15 May 2010

Feed a Cold

Well I have gone and caught a cold and am feeling rubbish and more imprtantly for the first time in about 8 or 9 weeks I have missed a run and I feel so really guilty - stupid isn't! My running is really coming on and I am running 4 times a weeks and doing about 3.5 miles each time. Hoping that I will feel up to doing one tomorrow morning.

Well I lost 1.25lbs which gets me back down to 9st 5lbs. This is rubbish and am really disappointed in myself as I have got down to 9st 3.5lbs a couple of weeks back so why can't I get back to that. I am so desperate to get to my goal weight of 8st 10lbs.
Still a loss is a loss.
Must try really hard this week!